a working mom tips

Faustine PG

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As a working mum I thought I would give you a few tips on how to have the best work-life balance in my opinion.

First of all, be sure that you really want to work. It is a difficult decision to take as you have to realize you will not see your kids that much during the week.
I have five rules i live by :

- phone off before arriving home 
- spend 20 minutes with them during which they are the center of attention, just them and me (and their father of course!) 
- have to-do lists: I have completely lost my memory during my first pregnancy and it became worse the second time around. So now I have to list every single items to be able to remember it. Last year I I had to look at my calendar to realise it was my birthday! Writing everything down is the only way of not getting crazy. And I must admit that throwing away the list or deleting the task in my calendar is one of the best feeling ever 
- get your husband to help you! There is no reason why you should do all of it by yourself. And I am sure you will find at least ONE task where he could be (really) useful 
- don’t forget yourself! Have drinks and dinner with your friends to have a good laugh, get a massage to relax, get a boxing coach to get out all the stress and even sometimes be crazy and go away for the week-end (without feeling guilty...). All these little things will make you remember that life with kids is a big change but you can still have (sometimes) your own life 


Good luck ;)


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